Bazy danych-pytania i odpowiedzi
- Politechnika Wrocławska
- Bazy danych
Character( 30) NOT NULL UNIQUE, Poziom Smallint DEFAULT 1, KodKursu Character(3), NrPrac Integer) ; 20...
Ta witryna wykorzystuje pliki cookie, dowiedz się więcej.
Character( 30) NOT NULL UNIQUE, Poziom Smallint DEFAULT 1, KodKursu Character(3), NrPrac Integer) ; 20...
, Token Ring, IP (Internet Protocol) PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) w ramach usługi DPRS Character stream...
. The “#" character # is generally used to denote the start of a comment (see the exceptions # below...
, the main character in Obasan, in her novel Itsuka (1992), which examines Japanese Canadian efforts...
) { aktualnaLitera++; czyMoznaUsunac = true; return new Character('A'); } else { czyMoznaUsunac = false; throw new...
individualistic, have a free space in which one can operate, In terms of social character - I'm free - I can work...
(ang. Optical Character Recognition) - zestaw technik lub oprogramowanie służące do rozpoznawania...
of all 2000 companies are stored in a character vector R> class(Forbes2000[,"name"]) [1] "character...
Mon Oct 2 01:19:00 2000 ] is a value between '@' and '_', the character sequence is translated into...
). There is a large amount of questions from the Bible, repetitions - this reflects oral character, images...