Analysis of Major Characters-opracowanie
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- American ethnic literature
his own moral choices, to live in harmony with nature, to draw from all the traditions available...
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his own moral choices, to live in harmony with nature, to draw from all the traditions available...
Economic Perspectives 4/1999 Lee, Implications of a Surge in Capital Inflows: Available Tools and...
daną działalność może uzyskać. IPPC - pozwolenie zintegrowane, BAT (Best Available Techniques...
. Jest to możliwe dzięki stosowaniu "najlepszej dostępnej technologii" ( Best Available Technology - BAT), czyli takich...
arise attain audience available banker broadcast channel characteristic Chief Operating Officer choice...
rozsądnie osiągalnym poziomie (ALARA - as law as relatively available) limity ołowiu w rybach dostosowane...
, social, cultural and ecological development and needs - it is to create welfare within the available...
, oversupply supply dostarczać supply the amount of goods or services available on a market at a certain time...
available such as the complicated formula that the French lawyer Françleois Viéte developed. The first use...
environment Public services such as education, healthcare, water or electricity available at an affordable...