Lexicology-main issues-opracowanie
- Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Semantyka logiczna
of words, -logia study]. An area of language study concerned with the nature, meaning, history and...
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of words, -logia study]. An area of language study concerned with the nature, meaning, history and...
official in nature to hold off - to contact smb not to hold out much hope - not to doubt - nie robić...
when compared to other things of a similar nature or other people of a similar kind malpractice - the...
N nature - type or kind neglect - to forget or omit to do sth which must be done negate - to state...
at a given time). Depending on how many threads are requesting a lock, and the nature of the locks...
Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations (1776) ...
black - you belong to nature. Yellow are the stars, comparison. A lot of stars, a lot of mulatto boys...
. Nature ludzka stanowi aktywna wola, a nie bierny rozum. Idee znajduja sie w umysle bozym. HETERONOMICZNA...
be blamed, human nature - humans make their nature, we are responsible for who we are, this is...
by himself/herself I guess it must be the flag of my disposition - reflection of human nature the...