- Politechnika Śląska
- Computer Programming
Inheritance Reveals hierarchic relations between classes To develop (extend) existing classes...
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Inheritance Reveals hierarchic relations between classes To develop (extend) existing classes...
allowed and automatic without explicit cast operator …if inheritance was public - Why only one-way...
and methods of manipulating data Inheritance - relationships between objects - children inherit...
- to acquired sth from a person who has died - dziedziczyć inheritance - money, property etc that you receive...
). They cannot be promoted. CASES: wills (inheritance of property), mortgage (hipteka), bankruptcy...
received from someone who has died INHERITANCE TAX 15. ways of illegally paying less tax than you should...
od zawartości danych • dziedziczenie (inheritance): • strukturalne: potomek dziedziczy strukturę danych...
koewolucji (teoria podwójnego dziedziczenia) (dual-inheritance) na tym polu powstały ostre kontrowersje...
spending healthcare host impose income distribution income tax indirect tax inheritance tax interfere lay...
was a child, so he was under the council of nobles which ruled on his behalf. He restored his inheritance...