Zasada BAM
- Uniwersytet Gdański
- Fizyka
subsequently spread at the air-water interface. The solvent evaporates and a monolayer of the amphiphile at the...
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subsequently spread at the air-water interface. The solvent evaporates and a monolayer of the amphiphile at the...
subsequently spread at the air-water interface. The solvent evaporates and a monolayer of the amphiphile at the...
zapłacił za opcje, jesli akcje firmy zamiast spaść, pójdą do góry; Strategia inwestycyjna typu spread...
(lub sprzedaży po najwyższym). Spread walutowy Spread walutowy jest różnicą pomiędzy kursem kupna a kursem...
second half of the 19th century - discovery of gold; news spread quickly and became important in...
sort of gestures to spread a paint on a canvas; there were also trades of his shoes and hands - but...
country. Later this system spread to other countries. British were afraid that Canada would do the same as...
difference between the offer price and the bid price SPREAD to remove money from a total DEDUCT bond...
_ spread - różnica pomiędzy ceną sprzedaży (offer) a ceną kupna (bid). Im niższy spread tym mniej zmienny...
transakcyjne Spread między cenami bid/ask (kupna i sprzedaży) Prowizja brokera i ewentualnie koszt zamrożenia...