The Great Depression in the USA
- Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
New Deal programs did not end the Depression. Although the economy improved, full recovery had...
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New Deal programs did not end the Depression. Although the economy improved, full recovery had...
was written to the database). This is done to ensure that redo logs are usable for crash recovery, even in the...
files). • InnoDB log files; usually two, ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1. Used for crash recovery and in...
, including automatic startup and recovery, using the native service management tools. To install MySQL...
or Desktop class installations. ■ Recovery Options ...
, "Performing Backup and Recovery". Manageability monitor (MMON) This process performs various management...
transaction, or it can be part of a recovery operation. ■ To provide read consistency, which means that each...
danych muszą być na bieżąco aktualizowane. Recovery Data Centre - zapasowe bazy danych, które muszą...
strategy makes level 1 backups at regular intervals such as once each day. During recovery, RMAN will...
database restore operations and recovery. RMAN can restore files only if they are recorded in the RMAN...