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IDIOMY - strona 1 IDIOMY - strona 2 IDIOMY - strona 3

Fragment notatki:

IDIOMY Idiom Translation Examples (all) hot and bothered zmieszany, zakłopotany lub zły Jim gets all hot and bothered when I mention his ex-girlfriend. (not) give a toss nie obchodzić, nie interesować (w przeczeniach) I don't give a toss that you are tired. You are supposed to finish it today! (nic mnie nie obchodzi, że...) (to be) a bit rusty 'przykurzony' (o umiejętnościach, znajomości np. języka itp.) My apologies if my Spanish is a bit rusty, I hope you understand the intention of the message. ( with your) hands down z palcem w nosie, z łatwością Don't stay up all night, his tests are so easy you'll pass them with your hands down. a babe in the woods bezradny jak dziecko When it comes to dealing with computers, he's a babe in the woods. He defini tely needs someone to help. a backseat driver pasażer bez przerwy pouczający kierowcę samochodu I hated travelling with my parents - my dad took it patiently but, to tell the truth, my mum was a terrible backseat driver. a bad patch zła passa Last season we hit a bad patch of form and suddenly we were out of the Champions League. a big noise wielka szycha This guy is said to be a big noise in drug trafficking. The police have been after him for a long time. a big-head zarozumialec, ważniak Tom told me t hat all his friends are less intelligent than he is. He's such a big head! a black look gniewne, pełne nienawiści spojrzenie Mary gave me a black look when I entered the office. a blue movie/film film pornograficzny Blue movies are rated X, which means t hat only people of 18 and over can watch them. a blue-eyed boy ulubieniec Tom was always jealous of his younger brother because he knew Jack was their mother's blue-eyed boy. a bone of contention przedmiot sporu, kość niezgody The choice of place for hol iday turned out to be a real bone of contention in their family this year. a bundle of nerves kłębek nerwów, bardzo nerwowa osoba After all the problems I've had recently I'm just a bundle of nerves now. a cold fish ktoś niewrażliwy He's such a cold fish - you can never see any emotions on his face. a counsel of despair akt rozpaczy Her desicion to leave the country after she was fired was a counsel of despair. a cutting/biting remark cięta, złośliwa uwaga ... zobacz całą notatkę

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