Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski - strona 59

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Figures of speech-definitions

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Wstęp do literaturoznawstwa
Pobrań: 21
Wyświetleń: 518

Figures of speech - definitions Grounds - a link between the context in which a word is normally used and the new context in which it is applied. An extended metaphor is one that establishes a principal subject with several subsidiary subjects or comparisons. A mixed metaphor attempts to create a...

Notatki z filozofii z całego semestru

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Filozofia
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 0

FILOZOFIA Twórcą pojęcia „filozofia” jest Pitagoras (ok. 571 - 497 r. p. n. e.). Jest to połączenie dwóch słów: phileo (kocham, miłuję, lubię) i sofia (mądrość, wiedza) - filozofia (umiłowanie mądrości). W dziejach filozofii wyróżnia się 4 pods...

American Flag - omówienie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Realioznawstwo krajów anglosaskich
Pobrań: 21
Wyświetleń: 532

American Flag - Old Glory/the Stars and Stripes According to the legend the first flag was made by Betsy Griscom Ross in Philadelphia. The flag was to serve as an encouragement for the American soldiers fighting in the Revolutionary War. The flag had 13 stripes, seven red and six white, and in one...

The Great Seal - omówienie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Realioznawstwo krajów anglosaskich
Pobrań: 7
Wyświetleń: 497

The Great Seal It is the national emblem of the United States, adopted on 20th June 1782 by resolution of the Continental Congress. It is the official impression made on wax or documents, such as treaties and Presidential proclamations, to indicate that the United States guarantees their authentic...

The National Anthem of the USA, Uncle Sam - omówienie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Realioznawstwo krajów anglosaskich
Pobrań: 7
Wyświetleń: 490

The National Anthem of the USA The author - a poet-layer Francis Scott Key composed the national anthem - “The Star-Spangled Banner”. On 3rd March 1931 the Congress of the United States of America enacted legislation that made “The Star-Spangled Banner” the official national anthem. Uncle Sam He...

Criminal Courts in Great Britain - omówienie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Kultura krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 7
Wyświetleń: 322

Criminal Courts in Great Britain A person charged by the Police with an offence is sent to a magistrates' court. There are about 400 magistrates' courts in England and Wales, they are to be found in every town and sit at least twice a week. Magis...

Computers In Teaching-opracowanie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Metodyka nauczania języka angielskiego
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 518

Computers In Teaching Computers perform complex tasks in a very short time. 3 stages: a) behavioural stage: (1960s - 1970s) drill-and-practice method was used, repetitive language skills, computer viewed as a mechanical tutor that never grew tired b) communicative stage: (1970s - 1980s) computer...

Achievement Test-opracowanie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Metodyka nauczania języka angielskiego
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 413

Achievement Test is a test which measures how much of language someone has learned with reference to a particular course of study or programme of institution. The difference between this and a more general type of test (proficiency test) is that the latter is not linked to any particular course of i...

Approaches to word meaning-classification-opracowanie

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Semantyka logiczna
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 336

Approaches to word meaning: referential (onomasiological) - it studies various names which nominated extralinguistic objects. The central conception within this approach is the theory of nomination. It shows how referent (object of reality ) is ...

Fakty prawne - definicje

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Prawo
Pobrań: 259
Wyświetleń: 1862

Fakty prawne. (Zdarzenia i działania prawne czynności zmierzające do wywołania skutków prawnych i inne czyny). Fakt prawny   - ogół okoliczności określonych   przepisami prawa , które wywołują   skutki prawne , czyli powodują powstanie, zmianę lub wygaśnięcie   stosunku prawnego . O takich faktach ...