Reported speech - mowa zależna

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Reported speech - mowa zależna - strona 1

Fragment notatki:

Tabela budowy zdań w mowie zależnej w języku angielskim. Strzałki pokazują "co w co przechodzi" podczas relacjonowania wydarzeń.

Reported speech
Perfect Continuous
“I walk to school.”
“I am walking to school.”
“I have walked to school.”
“I have been walking to school.”
She said, she walked to school.
“I walked to school.”
I said that I was walking to school.
“I was walking to school.”
You said, you had walked to school.
“I had walked to school.”
She said she had walked to school.
He said, he had been walking to school.
“I had been walking to school.”
I said I had been walking to school.
“I will walk to school.”
“I will be walking to school.”
“I will have walked to school.”
“I will have been walking to school.”
Future in the past
I said I would walk to school.
He said he would be walking to school.
She said that she would have walked to school
You said you would have been walking to school.
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