Wykład - the House of Lords
- Politechnika Śląska
- Kultura Wielkiej Brytanii
a Supreme Court (Sąd Najwyższy). MEMBERS The Chancellor - few years ago was the chair person (przewodniczący...
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a Supreme Court (Sąd Najwyższy). MEMBERS The Chancellor - few years ago was the chair person (przewodniczący...
WYKŁAD 1 Definicje osobowości 1.Persona=osobowość-persona to maska nakładana przez starożytnych...
person, and which has a value ….. money that a company makes from its activities after taking away some...
is made to the person who buys it 7. an occasion when someone suddenly buys a lot of shares in...
? ………………………………….. a person who does people's hair? ……………………………….. a person who repairs cars? …………………………………. Dopasuj wyrazy...
. perceived similarities between animals and humans (zoosemy) - e.g. a fox (a sly person); a book worm; a cat...
that court says must be obeyed. - wiążący blacklist - to put a person, country, product etc on a list...
into legal bank account - pranie brudnych pieniędzy layperson - non - professional person leak...
- someone who lives in a house, room etc and pays rent to the person who owns it - dzierżawca tender - an...
a quick answer - thank you for responding quickly the person you are representing - your client to say he...