African-american writers-opracowanie
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- History american literature
dismissed Native Son as protest fiction, and therefore limited in its understanding of human character and...
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dismissed Native Son as protest fiction, and therefore limited in its understanding of human character and...
. Ishmael describes the sperm whale as having “more character” than the right whale, as well as a “pervading...
prezes but ale chance szansa butter masło change zmiana; zmieniać button przycisk; guzik character...
people who are qualified enough and posses some features of character that makes him a good member of...
under the present regime to the point that it has now taken on the character of a united nationalism of...
impossible we are not able to reproduce human behaviour and character traits. Reproduction through cloning...
? Jest to dobrze przemyślany 7-bitowy kod, definiujący 128-elemetowy zestaw znaków (character set) o wartościach kodowych...
(czyli jednego bajtu). Dla celu reprezentacji tego typu znaków są dedykowane tzw wide-character constant. Stałe...
(un-DSM-I; Lista Cnót CVS – character strenghts and virte Opisanie specyficznych dla człowieka...
argument F404 F406 force of character free of charge freedom of speech freedom of choice freely available...