Chemia - wykład 2

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Chemia - wykład 2 - strona 1 Chemia - wykład 2 - strona 2 Chemia - wykład 2 - strona 3

Fragment notatki:

w z akr esi e pods taw owy m dl a l ice um og ólnoks zta łcą ceg o ska , N owa E ra,  war sz aw a 2002 Che mia  ogól na i  ni eor gani czna  – w z akr esi e pods taw owy m dl a l ice um og ólnoks zta łc M.  Lit win,  S.  Sty ka-W la zło,  J.  Sz ym oń ska , N owa E ra,  war sz aw a 2002 w z akr esi e pods taw owy m dl a l ice um og ólnoks zta łcą ceg o ska , N owa E ra,  war sz aw a 2002 Che mia  ogól na i  ni eor gani czna  – w z akr esi e pods taw owy m dl a l ice um og ólnoks zta łc M.  Lit win,  S.  Sty ka-W la zło,  J.  Sz ym oń ska , N owa E ra,  war sz aw a 2002 w z akr esi e pods taw owy m dl a l ice um og ólnoks zta łcą ceg o ska , N owa E ra,  war sz aw a 2002 Che mia  ogól na i  ni eor gani czna  – w z akr esi e pods taw owy m dl a l ice um og ólnoks zta łc M.  Lit win,  S.  Sty ka-W la zło,  J.  Sz ym oń ska , N owa E ra,  war sz aw a 2002 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 a A  + b B  =   p P  +   q Q ht tp: // en.w iki pe di a.or g /w iki /R ea ct ion_ ra te A cc or di ng  to  IU P A C 's  G ol d  B ook de fi ni ti on [1] the  r ea ct ion  ra te   v (a ls o  r or   R )  for  a  c he m ic al  r ea ct ion  oc cur ri ng  in  a  cl os ed  sy st em unde r  cons ta nt -vol um e  condi ti ons ,  w it hout  a  bui ld- up  of  r ea ct ion  int er m edi at es ,  is  de fi ne d  is : T he ra te la w or ra te equ at ion for a che m ic al re ac ti on is an equa ti on w hi ch li nks the re ac ti o n ra te w it h conc en tr at ions or pr es sur es of re ac ta n ts an d cons ta n t pa ra m et er s (nor m al ly ra te coe ff ic ie nt s and pa rt ia l re ac ti on or d er s) . T o de te rm ine th e ra te equa ti o n for a pa rt ic u la r sy st em one co m bi ne s th e re ac ti on ra te w it h a m as s ba la nc e for


… a constant,
because it includes everything that affects reaction rate outside
concentration: mainly temperature but also ionic strength,
surface area of the adsorbent or light irradiation.
The rate law or rate equation for a chemical reaction is an equation
which links the reaction rate with concentrations or pressures of
reactants and constant parameters (normally rate coefficients and
partial reaction…

the reactant to be depleted (same as the half-life involved in
nuclear decay, which is a first-order reaction). For a zero-order
reaction the half-life is given by:
where [A] represents the concentration of the chemical of interest
at a particular time and [A]0 represents the initial concentration.
A reaction is zero order if concentration data are plotted versus
time and the result is a straight line. The slope of this resulting
line is the zero order rate constant k..
If this differential equation is integrated it gives an equation
which is often called the integrated zero-order rate law:
A plot of ln[A] vs. time t gives a straight
line with a slope equal to the reaction
rate constant
a is the stoichiometric coefficient of the species A
Przy warunkach jak wyżej 1) układ zamknięty, 2) brak…
… second order in NO. In chemical kinetics the overall reaction is usually
proposed to occur through a number of elementary steps. Not all of these steps affect
the rate of reaction; normally it is only the slowest elementary step that affect the
reaction rate. For example, in:
Przykład problemu – problem przykładu ?
tlenek kobaltu Co3O4
siarczan kobaltu
mieszanina tlenków CoO…
... zobacz całą notatkę

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