Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem

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Terrorism and organised crime 1

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 147
Wyświetleń: 868

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecture 1 & 2 During the course crime will be understood as an: 1. Act of a person 2. Prohibited 3. Penalized 4. Defined in legal system 5. Socially harmful 6. Culpable 7. Illegal Notice that actually ...

Terrorism and organised crime 3

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 84
Wyświetleń: 945

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecture 3 Organized Crime - context During our last class we stated that organized crime follows rules of supply and demand. That means that certain conditions have to occur for some people to demand illegal good...

Terrorism and organised crime 4

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 119
Wyświetleń: 798

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecture 4 Terrorism - introduction Unlike organized crime terrorism is a type of purely political problem. We may say that generally terrorism is about exercising violence to introduce fear in intention to gain i...

Terrorism and organised crime 5

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 84
Wyświetleń: 840

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecture 5, 6 & 7 Regional variations of organized crime Personal advice - whenever you hear anything concerning regional forms of organized crime always crosscheck it. The problem is that in most cases we base on very specific sources of information -

Terrorism and organised crime 6

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 91
Wyświetleń: 854

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecture 8 Legal aspects of combating organized crime (Europe and US - differences) European (continental) understanding of crime is more or less based on the definition presented during the first class (act of a ...

Terrorism and organised crime - introduction

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 63
Wyświetleń: 868

Terrorism and Organized Crime Course coordinator: Krzysztof Kozłowski, PhD Course delivery: 30 hours Office hours: Friday, 15.15-16.15 (Wiśniowa Street 41, room 66) e-mail: tand...

Terrorism and organised crime 2

  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Współczesne zagrożenia terroryzmem
Pobrań: 105
Wyświetleń: 847

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecture 2 Organized Crime as business behavior To avoid oversimplifications in regards to crime, try to interpret criminal acts as forms of economic, business behavior. Following such approach one may define thre...