Politechnika Śląska - strona 16

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Konfiguracja Microsoft Windows XP Professional do pracy w sieci Micros...

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 518

Configuring Microsoft Windows XP Professional to Operate in Microsoft Networks Both workgroups and domains are network environments; however, the way in which user accounts, authentication, and security are handled in each is quite different. To configure Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional to op...

Konfiguracja ustawień sieci

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 518

Configuring Network Settings If you continue through the Setup Manager Wizard in the default order, you will configure Network Settings after you configure General Settings. Under Network Settings you will find the following configurable settings...

Zasady haseł - konfiguracja

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 637

Configuring Password Policy To gain access to the configurable Password Policy settings, click Password Policy . The configurable properties appear in the right pane. Double-clicking any setting will enable you to configure it. To maintain a minimum level of security, set the Password Policy as s...

Konfiguracja poziom interakcji użytkownika metoda dystrybucji

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 441

Configuring User Interaction Level and Distribution Method In the Setup Manager Wizard, the first several pages enable you to configure the following settings of a basic answer file.  Configuring the User Interaction Level When configuring the ...

Przypisywanie praw użytkownika, konfiguracja

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 441

Configuring User Rights Assignment The following table lists examples of User Rights Assignment settings that you can configure. Deny is the first permission that is applied, and overrides any other permission. Removing a user from the list of those granted access is not the same as denying acc...

Połączenie ze zdalnym komputerem

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 630

Connecting to a Remote Host A standard Windows XP Professional installation without any additional Microsoft or third-party software, provides basic connectivity to remote hosts including hosts running other operating systems such as UNIX. This level of connectivity involves utilizing the basic ...

Tworzenie niestandardowej konsoli - zabezpieczenia

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 413

Creating a Customized Security Console Creating such a console enables you to open one tool to perform a variety of related tasks. To create a customized console, you add snap-ins and save the resulting console with a descriptive name. To create a customized local security console: 1.

Tworzenie Sysprep

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 7
Wyświetleń: 672

Creating a Sysprep.inf File by Using Setup Manager You can also configure a Sysprep.inf file by running the Setup Manager Wizard. Setup Manager is located on the Windows XP Professional compact disc. To create a Sysprep.inf answer file by using ...

Tworzenie pliku bazy danych wyjątkowość

  • Politechnika Śląska
  • Systemy operacyjne
Pobrań: 0
Wyświetleń: 448

Creating a Uniqueness Database File You create a Uniqueness Database File (UDF) to replace values or provide additional values or sections in an answer file. Creating a UDF enables you to use one answer file for multiple client computers that require different setup configurations. Otherwise, yo...