Język angielski wykład - słówka na literę "V"

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Język angielski wykład - słówka na literę

Fragment notatki:

vacant - not occupied, empty vague - not clear enough - rozmyty, niewyraźny
valid - legally correct and acceptable - ważny, np. passport
valuation - an estimate of how much sth is worth value added tax - a sales tax which is collected at each stage of production vary - to change sth vendee - a name for person who buys (buyer, purchaser)
vendor - seller
verbatim - repeating the actual words that were spoken or written vest - to give someone a particular right, or transfer the legal ownership of land to someone - nadać komuś prawo
vet - to check someone's past activities to make sure that they are suitable for sth, particularly for a job - sprawdzić, zweryfikować viable - sth that has the potential to work successfully - realny, wykonalny vititiation elements - that make the contract to be declared unenforceable
viz - that is
voidable - possible to be declared void
violate - to disobey or do something against an official agreement, law, principle - pogwałcić
void = invalid - nieważny
voluntary - to describe an action done of your own free will
yield - to produce profits etc - przynieść korzyści
zone - a large area that is different from the other areas around it in some significant way ... zobacz całą notatkę

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