Struktura geograficzna polskiego handlu zagranicznego w latach osiemdz...
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Handel zagraniczny
/ CMEA Area. Reorientation or Reintegration?, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London 1994, s...
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/ CMEA Area. Reorientation or Reintegration?, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London 1994, s...
School of Economics Lat 20. American Institue of International Affairs/Council of Foreign Affairs 1920...
worked to keep human rights at the forefront of international affairs and to give meaning and effect...
worked to keep human rights at the forefront of international affairs and to give meaning and effect...
postwar prosperity and became increasingly interested in international affairs, the Fair Deal lost steam...
a Missouri political machine, he had minimal experience with international affairs, having served only as...
Zatorska Jolanta komentarz LEX/el. 2010 Komentarz do rozporządzenia Rady (WE) nr 2201/2003 dotyczącego jurysdykcji oraz uznawania i wykonywania orzeczeń w sprawach małżeńskich oraz w sprawach dotyczących odpowiedzialności rodzicielskiej, uchylającego rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1347/2000 Stan pr...
Case of Stanev v. Bulgaria (Application no. 36760/06) Judgment Strasbourg, 17 January 2012 GRAND CHAMBER CASE OF STANEV v. BULGARIA ( Application no. 36760/06 ) JUDGMENT STRASBOURG 17 January 2012 This judgment is final but may be subject to editorial revision. In the case of Stanev v. Bulga...