Transakcje - bazy danych
- Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
- Informatyka
numerKonta = :konto#1 into :saldo1; if saldo1 >= kwota then UPDATE Konta SET saldo = saldo + :kwota where...
Ta witryna wykorzystuje pliki cookie, dowiedz się więcej.
numerKonta = :konto#1 into :saldo1; if saldo1 >= kwota then UPDATE Konta SET saldo = saldo + :kwota where...
slaves by using a WHERE clause that includes the relation @@server_id id_value clause with UPDATE and...
) z dolnej półki application - podanie qualification - kwalifikacje rate - tempo update - uaktualnić...
with names and IP addresses. To accomplish an automatic update, one or both of the following services...
ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clauses. In addition, these clauses now can be used with DATETIME column...
local server, the operations that would normally insert, update or delete information from a local data...
causes an insert, update, or delete in the underlying InnoDB table, that change might be committed to the...
MySQL Cluster ndb_mgmd processes. 2. Update all config.ini files. 3. Start a single ndb_mgmd with...
, UPDATE, and INSERT on MERGE tables. You must have SELECT [775], DELETE [774], and UPDATE [776] privileges...
(Recommended) check box, and then click Next. 3. Read and accept the licensing agreement. 4. Specify any update...