Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski - strona 11

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The nineteenth century, British empire

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 63
Wyświetleń: 476

The nineteenth century - Britain in this century was most powerful, wealthy and self-confident. After the industrial revolution it was producing more than any country in the world. - Not long before this century began, Britain had lost its most important American colonies in a war of independence. W...

The nineteenth century-dates from the period

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 63
Wyświetleń: 602

The nineteenth century - important dates from the period - There were great changes in social structure. Most people lived in towns and cities. They no longer depended on country landowners for their living but rather on the owners of industries. These factory owners held the real power in the count...

The Normans in Great Britain

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 21
Wyświetleń: 630

The Normans in Great Britain - The strong system of government which the Normans introduced meant that the Anglo-Norman Kingdom was easily the most powerful force in the British Isles. Not surprisingly therefore, the authority of the English monarch gradually extended to other parts of these islands...

The rise of Protestantism in England

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 21
Wyświetleń: 1029

The rise of Protestantism in England - 1547-53 Protestantism becomes official religion in England Protestant - a member of a part of the Christian church that separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th c. There are many divisions within the church but in general Protestants believe in the...

The Roman period in Great Britain

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 70
Wyświetleń: 777

The Roman period in Great Britain (43-410) After two expeditions by Julius Cesar in 55 and 54 BC, contact between Britain and the Roman empire world grew, culminating in the Roman invasion of AD 43 (a well planned invasion by 40,000 to 50,000 Roman...

The second wave of Germanic invasions in Great Britain

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 28
Wyświetleń: 413

The second wave of Germanic invasions in Great Britain In the 8th century Britain experienced another wave of Germanic invasions. These invaders, known as Vikings, Norsemen or Danes, came from Sca...

The sixteenth century in the history of England

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 77
Wyświetleń: 700

The sixteenth century in the history of England - In this period the power of the English monarch increased. The strength of the great barons had been greatly weakened by the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) - During the 15th century the throne of England was claimed by representatives of two rival

The twentieth century in Britain

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 56
Wyświetleń: 588

The twentieth century in Britain - By the beginning of this century, Britain was no longer the world's richest country. - One reason for this decline was the cost and effort of two world wars. - Another reason was the cost of keeping up the empire, ...

Emotional Literacy - słówka

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Praktyczna nauka języka angielskiego lub niemieckiego
Pobrań: 35
Wyświetleń: 581

EMOTIONAL LITERACY violent outburst- gale (gwałtowny wybuch) /ˈaʊtbɜːst popular clique- elite (elita) /kliːk sullen- gloomy (ponury) fly into a range- to go mad (wpadać w szał) livid- furious (wściekły) steely expression- nieugięty, stalowy wyraz twarzy well up- napierać do oczu(o łzach) - w...

JOBS - słówka

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Praktyczna nauka języka angielskiego lub niemieckiego
Pobrań: 21
Wyświetleń: 882

JOBS visiting professor- a professor visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time supervisor- a looker-on (nadzorca, promotor pracy naukowej) administrator- One who administers, especially one who works as a manager i...