studia II stopnia, Kraków, UEK, stacjonarne, ekonomia w języku angielskim, egzamin wstępny test, Cracow University of Economics business in English

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studia II stopnia, Kraków, UEK, stacjonarne, ekonomia  w języku angielskim, egzamin wstępny test, Cracow University of Economics business in English - strona 1

Fragment notatki:

Zestawienie pytań egzaminacyjnych składa się z 14 następujących tematów: wprowadzenie do metodologii ekonomii, rynek i gospodarka rynkowa, teoria produkcji, teoria kosztów, struktury rynku i modele, rynki czynników produkcji (rynek czynników produkcji), główne elementy rachunkowości dochodu narodowego, nowoczesne teorie makroekonomii, pieniądze i polityka monetarna, budżet państwa i polityka fiskalna, model IS-LM, rynek pracy i bezrobocie, inflacja, cykle ekonomiczne w gospodarce rynkowej.

Niniejsze pytania egzaminacyjne na studia II stopnia stanowią obowiązkowy zestaw zagadnień na egzamin wstępny na stacjonarne studia uzupełniające magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie na kierunek ekonomia w języku angielskim.

This note provides a set of examination questions for the entrance exam to study a second degree in the direction of science in English (full-time) at the University of Economics in Krakow.

Summary of exam consists of 14 of the following topics: introduction to the methodology of economics, market and market economy, the theory of production, cost theory, market structure and models, factor markets (the market of factors of production) , major components of national income accounting , modern macroeconomics theories, money and monetary policy, national budget and fiscal policy, IS-LM model, the labor market and unemployment, inflation, economic cycles in market economy.

This examination questions for study secondary education are compulsory set of issues in the entrance examination for the stationary master studies at the University of Economics in Krakow on the direction: business in English.

examination problems for the candidates for second cycle full time studies at Cracow University of Economics Introduction to the Methodology of Economics
Normative and positive economics
Methods of economic analysis. Micro- and macroeconomic models Macroeconomics and microeconomics Rationality in economics: economic choice (rational choice theory) Needs, goods, utility and opportunity costs
The Market and Market Economy The nature of the market and types of markets Law of demand and supply Determinants of demand and supply Elasticises of demand and supply Market equilibrium and equilibrium price (market clearing) Indifference curve and customer preference theory Consumer choice and budget constraint
Theory of Production Production and factors of production Functions of production in short-run and long-run Production possibility frontier (production transformation curve)
Diminishing returns and accelerating returns Marginal and average productivity of production factors Selection and substitution of production factors Isoquant and isocost Producer equilibrium Theory of Costs Costs and their types Costs and production output Optimal method of production (costs and the choice of technique) Short-run costs Long-run costs Marginal costs and average costs Economies of scale - costs and benefits Market Structures and Models Perfect competition and pure monopoly - comparison Monopolistic competition and oligopoly - comparison Forms of oligopoly Economic equilibrium in different market structures Productive efficiency Price policy (pricing) in different market structures Factor Markets (The Market of Factors of Production) Labour market and wages in perfect and imperfect competition Types of wages and wage rates Supply and the firm's demand for factors Factor markets and income distribution (rentals, int ... zobacz całą notatkę

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