Intelligent Business - słownictwo

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Intelligent Business - słownictwo - strona 1

Fragment notatki:

Są to słówka i zasady przydatne w angielskim w biznesie.

Aid - assistance given to a country or organization in difficulty
Awesome - huge
B2B - refers to any business or correspondence between two companies
Bid - an offer to buy sth at a stated price (offer)
Boycott - a protest where people refuse to buy or use a product or service
Casualty - someone hurt by events
Charity - a non profit-making organization that collects goods and money in order to provide assistance
Churn out - mass produce cheaply
Copycat - the term for someone who copies the work of another person
Copyright - the legal right that belongs to the person who has created a new artistic work or piece of software
Currency - the type of money that is used by a particular country or trading bloc (money)
Dealer - a person who specializes in trading a particular type of goods
Debt relief - the cancellation or reduction of a debt Defraud - the cheat another person by taking something that they own
Demand - the quantity required to supply orders
Demonstration - a march to publicly protest about sth
Dilute - weaken
E-business - B2B relationships conducted using internet technology
E-commerce - selling activities that are conducted using internet technology
Enforce - to make people obey a law or rule
Fair trade - a movement which promotes fairer trading conditions for developing countries
Fake - copy or imitation of a genuine article (copy)
File-swapping - exchanging files between computers on a network
Flattery - praise
Glitch - a minor fault with a computer program or machine (malfunction, bug)
Grant - a sum of money given to a person or organization to help them to pay for sth
Gross - to calculate revenue before tax and other charges have been deducted
Income - money received by a person, family or organization (revenue)
Infringement - a breach of the law or of another person's rights
Intellectual property - sth that a person or business has invented and which is protected by patent
Inventory - a list of the stocks geld by a business
Litigation - legal action against a individual or organization Lobby - to try to persuade a government to change a policy or situation
Market research - the work of finding out what kind of goods consumers want
Mass market - the market for standardized consumer products
Merchandising - toys, clothes and other products based on a popular film, TV show etc and sold to make additional profits
Patent - a special right given to the inventor of a machine or process (copyright)
Perpetrator - criminal
Petition - a document signed by many people asking someone in authority to change sth
Piracy - infringement of copyrights
Pressure group - a group that tries to influence the opinions of other people


0 - If + present simple, sb + present simple - tyczy się rzeczy pewnych, niezmiennych
1 - If + Present Simple, sb + will/can/… + bezokolicznik - dot. Teraźniejszości lub/I przyszłości, warunek może zostać spełniony
2 - If + past simple, Sb + will/can/would/could + bezokolicznik - dot. Teraźniejszości lub przyszłości, warunek mało prawdopodobny do spełnienia lub w ogóle
3 - If + past perfect (had…
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