Skrypt: Projekt sieci
- Politechnika Warszawska
- Multimedia i sieci komputerowe
PPP, takie jak: Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication...
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PPP, takie jak: Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication...
- a document issued by a bank, according to the instructions of the buyer of the goods, committing itself to honor drafts drawn up by the seller in accordance with the specified terms and conditions. With this method of payment, the risk lies on the bank, not the buyer. Letters of credit afford one ...
...A PEN – długopis A PENCIL – ołówek A BOOK - ksiazka WHAT'S - co(to) jest? THIS – to IT'S - to jest WHAT'S THIS? - It's a pen TABLE – stół CHAIR – krzesło LIGHT - swiatło WALL – sciana FLOOR – podłoga ROOM - pokój CEILING – sufit WINDOW – okno DOOR - drzwi CARD – karta BOX – pudełko PICT...