Studia II stopnia, Kraków, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, stacjonarne, finanse w języku angielskim, egzamin wstępny, test, SUM, zagadnienia

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Studia II stopnia, Kraków, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, stacjonarne, finanse w języku angielskim, egzamin wstępny, test, SUM, zagadnienia - strona 1

Fragment notatki:

Zestawienie pytań egzaminacyjnych składa się z 13 tematów. Pogrupowano je na następujące zagadnienia: ogólna teoria finansów; system finansowy; rynki finansowe; instrumenty finansowe; ryzyko i decyzje finansowe; system bankowy w gospodarce rynkowej.

Wśród dyscyplin naukowych, według których pogrupowane są polecenia egzaminacyjne, są również: bank centralny i polityka monetarna; banki komercyjne; analiza projektów inwestycyjnych; struktura kapitału i polityka dywidend; analiza finansowa; finanse publiczne; kryzys finansowy 2007 - 2009.

Niniejsze pytania egzaminacyjne na studia II stopnia stanowią obowiązkowy zestaw zagadnień na egzamin wstępny na stacjonarne studia uzupełniające magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie na kierunek finanse w języku angielskim.

This note provides a set of examination questions for the entrance exam to study a second degree in finance course in English (full-time) at the University of Economics in Krakow.

Summary of exam consists of 13 topics. They are ranked among others on the following topics: general finance concepts; financial system; financial markets; financial instruments; riisk and financial decisions; the banking system in market economy.

Among the scientific disciplines, according to which the commands are grouped exam, there are also: central bank and monetary policy; commercial banks; analysis of investments projects; capital structure and dividend policy; financial analysis; public finance; financial crisis 2007-2009.

This examination questions to study secondary education are compulsory set of issues in the entrance examination for the stationary master studies at the University of Economics in Krakow on the direction of finances in English.

The range of issues for examination
for candidates for full-time graduate studies
General finance concepts
1.1. Definition of finance
1.2. General areas of finance
1.3. The nature of financial decisions
1.4. The importance and evolution of modern finance
Financial system
The meaning and functions of the financial system
The structure of the financial system
Financial intermediaries (types, roles)
Financial crisis
Financial markets
Definition and importance of financial markets
Types of financial markets
Financial markets rates
Money markets vs capital markets
Stock exchanges
Financial instruments
The nature of financial instruments
Debt instruments
Equity Hybrid securities
Basic valuation models
Risk and financial decisions
Major types of risk in finance
Risk management
Portfolio theory
Capital market equilibrium and CAPM
The banking system in market economy
Characteristics of the two-tier banking system
Creating money through monetary system
Safety net in the banking system
Central bank and monetary policy
Central banks functions
Monetary policy objectives and instruments
Monetary policy in EU
European Central Bank and the Economic and Monetary Union
Commercial banks
Commercial banks as financial intermediaries
Types of bank
Bank's balance sheet
Prudential regulations in banking
Analysis of investments projects
The nature of project analysis
Capital budgeting (cash flows estimation and evaluation techniques)
Cost of capital
Capital Structure and Dividend Policy
Financial structure of the firm
Capital structure theory
Dividend policy
Financial analysis
Financial statements
Financial ratio analysis
Financial leverage
Public finance
Principles and functions of the public finance
Public revenue


Z.Bodie, R.C.Merton, D.L.Cleeton, Financial Economics, 2nd ed. Pearson Education International, 2009.
S.Besley, E.F.Brigham, Principles of Finance, 4th ed. Cengage Learning, 2009.
S.Valdez, P.Molyneux, An introduction to global financial markets, 6th ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
R.A.Brealey, S.C.Myers, F.Allen, Principles of Corporate Finance, 9th ed., McGrow Hill, 2008.
R.A. Musgrave, P.B.Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989.
J.E. Stiglitz, Economics of the public sector, 3rd ed. W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.

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